Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas with the Bells

We had a blast this weekend. We went and spent it with Chris's parents. We left Friday night and went with them to there ward Christmas party. We had fun meeting there ward members and friends. On Saturday we went to visit uncle Charlie and Robbie's family. Then the rest of the day was just visiting with family. Emily had fun this year even though she still doesn't quite understand it. Grandma Davis gave her a cute doll that she loves and a very cute outfit. Grandpa and Grandma bell got her a new car seat. We also were very blessed this year. Mom and Dad gave us a much needed present which we love and are grateful for and Grandma Davis got us lots of exciting gifts. I can't wait to get started on food storage now. Thank you All. We love you and wish you a Merry Christmas. Chris and Emily, Having a wonderful Christmas
Such a happy girlGrandma Bell with Emily and Justin

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Temple Square Lights

It was a great night. But a crazy one. We were able to attend the opening night of the lighting of temple square. It was nice that it wasn't as cold but still a little chill in the air. Emily did really well. She was really cute with the lights. Chris wasn't able to go so we did miss him but hope to go with him again.

The Temple was so beautiful with all the lights around.

The Girl in this pic moved right in the way once i was about to take a picture. The Nativity scene was in the reflection pond. So beautiful.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

So Thankful

My Friend Jessica had this on her blog. When I saw it, it touch my heart. I am so thankful that my family both sides have been blessed with healthy children. I cried during this. Elliot was definitely blessed to be put into such a loving and caring family.

New Hair Cut

I finally got my hair cut after like forever. I tried to grow it out but found out that my hair was at last not suppose to be long. But my hair is so cute now. I love it. It is so funny to have to stylist tell me my hair is so thick. Event though it is this short, it still took about 1/2 hour to dry it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Harry Potter or Maybe Chicken Little

We got these glasses a long time ago. They had gotten them back out for Halloween. I was just having fun. But I couldn't resist sharing these because she was so cute in them. I will let you decide I think she looks more like chicken little with them on. There are also just some more of Emily that are very cute.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I've been Tagged!!

I was tagged. I never thought this post would be so hard. But because i am not computer savvy. i couldn't get the cute picture with the rules on it. Then i completely don't know what makes me, ME!
So here are the rules
  1. Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
  2. Share 7 weird and/or random facts about yourself.
  3. tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
  4. Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on there blog.
1. I am a flip flop girl all the way. It doesn't matter what the situation is I will wear them. It cold be pouring down rain, snowing(that is not my favorite but that is what the platform flip flops are for.) or be beautiful blue sky. I will most likely be wearing them.
2. Since I can remember I love children show and movies. And now that I have a baby I have an excuse to watch them. Some of my favorite are magic school bus, dragontales, sesame street just to name a few.
3. I miss having homework and going to school. It is silly I know. While your in school you can't wait until you are done with it and wish there was no such thing as homework. But I wish I was enrolled in a class so I could just get homework.
4. I could listen to Christmas music all year round. I don't know what it is about it but it just brings a certain joy to my heart.
5. Actually enjoyed her time working at Jack in the Box. There were days that were horrible but wouldn't of given up that time for anything.
6. I am very crafty. I am sad that I don't always do as much with it as I would like. But I know how to do pretty much anything under the sun with crafts. I was lucky enough in high school to have a teacher that had so much passion for textile.
7. I love to dance and sing. I have had the best of time with my girlfriends just dancing in the living room to some of our favorite songs.

The people I am going to tag are Sheri, Bridgette, Connie, Crystal and Kara. I know it is not 7 but I am new to this. So my list of friends is short.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fun Times

Halloween was great fun. Emily was the cutest animal thing we have seen. She has been getting so big. She is getting close to rolling over. Her arm just gets in the way. Things are going good for our family. Chris was offered an apartment managing job. He could still work at qwest as well. We are not sure when we will be moving in but it is a big blessing.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Our Family day at temple square

2 weeks ago we were able to visit temple square. It is so beautiful and has such a peace on the grounds. We were so happy we got to spend time together especially in such a wonderful place. I found out to much that i had not know before. The Church history museum was great. I never knew some of the things that they have in there. The conference center is so wonderful. I would suggest to anyone to go on that tour. Very Very pretty. We also learned that in the tabernacle the organ has over 11,00 pipes. In the conference center only has 7,700 pipes.

sweet emily

Emily is growing so fast. I couldn't believe at her last doctors appointment that she is already 17.2lbs, and in the 99th percentile. She brings joy to our life everyday. Every morning when she wakes up, and you look at her she gets her huge smile that just lets you know she loves you.
She is getting very strong
. On her way to rolling over, sitting, and talking(cooing) up a storm.