Saturday, July 21, 2012

The End is in Sight!

We have had so much happen in the past few months.  We found out more about Steven's hearing condition and why is hasn't been able to start to talk.  This past week we found out that his hearing in the low frequency has not improved.  So he was fitted for hearing aids, we are looking forward to the future of progress and fun with Steven as he is learning new things.  I already have seen a little improvement in his hearing since his tubes were put in, in April.  The joys he has in hearing new things is so fun.  We are also having concerns for Emily at this time.  When I was little I had a condition called urinary reflux.  I didn't know until recently that it is hereditary.  So my kids have a greater chance at having this as well.  Emily had started to show some signs of it. So we have been having her tested to see if she has it.  2 of 3 test have been completed but won't find out all of the result for another 2-3 weeks. Our little peanut is growing well and we are excited to have him join our family in 4 months.  Chris has started a new job,  in which we are hoping he will be about to keep and enjoy that will help to support our growing family.  Things with me are the same.  I am enjoying being a mom and love seeing the joy of my kids each day.  I am very tired lately and wished I had more energy to keep up with them.  But hopefully that will return once this baby is born.  I will have more of an update in the next few weeks to let everyone know about the progress of both Emily and Steven.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


As Steven has been growing we have noticed he has been up to speed. He hasn't really talked or things. When we went to his well child check the doctor didn't seem to concerned. So I was like ok. But my mom works with a speech therapist, who said it doesn't hurt to start now. In fact it is actually better because he will learn better than, if we wait. So today we had the Early Intervention come. And I am so glad we did. Steven is way below average. One of the catagories he was <1 Which was crazy. So we will be starting that soon, hopefully we will be able to see results soon. I will let you know was we go.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Oh how I love pinterest!

I have been doing so many crafts lately, with the help of Pinterest! I have loved making all of them. And look forward to many more to come. Here are just a few of them that I have made.
These pictures are the shirt I repurposed. I found this at DI and loved the color but It was a dress and it would be a long shirt on me. So I added the roushing on the sides with Elastic.
This is a hair band I made out of an old tie and elastic. It was super easy but turned out super cute. I am going to make a few more in a variety of colors. But instead of a button I am going to do a little emblishment.
The Picture above is my march wreath. I love the way that this turned out.
Then I learned how to make tutu's. I am going to love those for ever. Emily was not very happy to pose but She is cute like always
This is my Christmas Wreath
This wreath was my first wreath. I love the way this one turned out!
This Wreath was the one I made for Feburary. It is missing something but I will get to that next year :)